
Birthday & Seeing Sideways

It was my birthday yesterday. I didn’t make any plans and I didn’t tell anyone. I wanted to see how many people would remember. I only had about 3 of my friends that called and didn’t realize it was my birthday. One of them even realized a couple of hours later and called me back. So I think my experiment worked. This made me think a lot about what happen in class. After we got the assignment for time, I kept thinking about what makes time so important. I came up with this.

It’s not enough to just exist, so we create time to give ourselves structure.

I understand the whole aging and past, present and future part. However, to really have a clock messes me up. Would we really care about being places at a certain time if we didn’t have a clock? We have been using clocks for only 700 years. What was it like without them? I know that it has been a long time, but really having a world that doesn’t have clocks seems crazy.

I enjoy talking about this subject, so I’m looking forward to doing more with this.


About what we watched in class:

I enjoyed the way the guy’s mind was working. He really was creating stuff that he saw in a different way. However, the stuff he was creating, I really wasn’t getting into it. I’m not the biggest sports fan like he seemed, so it was hard for me to appreciate the subject. It was his explanation that helped me like his artwork. The sun project was, I think, his best work. I look forward to seeing more of that show.

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