
Some Fun 001

I haven’t done a blog that was just videos and stuff that is fun for me. I would like to share some things that I like.

SNL shorts are so funny.

SNL – People Getting Punched Right before Eating

I love how random and funny it is.

SNL – Dear Sister

I laughed so hard the first time I saw this. Also, the song playing is Imogen Heap called Hide and Seek. She has a great voice.

Every time I think about Imogen Heap, I get started thinking about Jem.

Jem – They

Not only does she have an amazing voice, but she’s really hot.

Kristin Chenoweth is really funny to me. She always makes me laugh. She also has an wonderful voice. By the way, you can replace the name Taylor with Colin.

Taylor the Latte Boy

However, Natalie Portman knows how to win my heart with an amazing rap. :-)

SNL – Natalie Raps

Zack Galifianakis is so funny. I can’t help but share this music video.

Can’t Tell Me Nothin’

Well that’s it for now. We’ll have some fun later.

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Bliss: Seeing Sideways

Yesterday, for my seeing sideways class, I was to do something fun (or blissful). I decided that, since my buddy was in town, we should go to dinner. We ended up getting four people to come out and eat with use.

Excited to Go Eat

After dinner we went to one place that I go to relax and have fun…Starbucks.

At Starbucks with a Barista

I went over to my buddy Jay’s house and listened to a new song his working on. I spent the rest of the time playing video games with him. We played Super Smash Bro. on the Wii. I love playing as Kirby or Pikachu.

Buddy Jay and I At the Restaurant

I ended up going home and falling asleep. I was really tired after all my fun.

Sad That My Bliss Was Done

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Wedding Seeing Sideways Style

For the past 4 days I have been in Chicago visiting. First night I went to help some friends’ setup at a convention. However, the next three days were all about a wedding. My buddy Matt was getting married and I was an usher for him. It was a blast and I had a great time. I would be willing to say that it was the best wedding I have gone to yet.

On the first night staying in Chicago, I was thinking about what we were saying in my Seeing Sideways class. We talked about time and how we use it. So for my project I wanted to show how I spent 24 hours of my life in a minute of video. I also messed with the time inside of the video. Not only are you seeing a whole day go by, but you’re seeing it at different moments in time.

1 for 24

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Birthday & Seeing Sideways

It was my birthday yesterday. I didn’t make any plans and I didn’t tell anyone. I wanted to see how many people would remember. I only had about 3 of my friends that called and didn’t realize it was my birthday. One of them even realized a couple of hours later and called me back. So I think my experiment worked. This made me think a lot about what happen in class. After we got the assignment for time, I kept thinking about what makes time so important. I came up with this.

It’s not enough to just exist, so we create time to give ourselves structure.

I understand the whole aging and past, present and future part. However, to really have a clock messes me up. Would we really care about being places at a certain time if we didn’t have a clock? We have been using clocks for only 700 years. What was it like without them? I know that it has been a long time, but really having a world that doesn’t have clocks seems crazy.

I enjoy talking about this subject, so I’m looking forward to doing more with this.


About what we watched in class:

I enjoyed the way the guy’s mind was working. He really was creating stuff that he saw in a different way. However, the stuff he was creating, I really wasn’t getting into it. I’m not the biggest sports fan like he seemed, so it was hard for me to appreciate the subject. It was his explanation that helped me like his artwork. The sun project was, I think, his best work. I look forward to seeing more of that show.

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Egg Abortion: Seeing Sideways

My professor for my Seeing Sideways class gave me an egg to do anything I want with it.

I hate eggs. Why do I hate eggs? That is the question I asked myself.

When I was younger I would eat eggs. However, I quit eating them when I found out that eggs were unfertilized chickens. So every time I would eat an egg, I felt that I was eating a baby chicken. For some reason that thought would just bug me. I don’t eat eggs anymore.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m no vegetarian (but I have tried it). I will eat foods that have eggs cooked inside (like cake). However, straight eggs are a no go with me.

After thinking about why I hate eggs, I started to think about the task at hand. What should I do with this egg? What, in my mind, relates to this egg? I came up with this:

Eggs are like aborted fetuses. Both are stopped before they are fertilized.

Side Note: I don’t have a very strong opinion on abortion since I am a man.

My Egg Quest

I wanted to have my egg be an advocate against eating babies. I got him a sign so he could picket outside an abortion clinic. I thought that it would be really hard to find an abortion clinic, however, it was easy. For a joke, I looked it up in the yellow book. It was that easy. To my surprise, there was one down the street from my work. I took my egg to the abortion clinic and he made his statement.

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